Sunday, July 02, 2006

I am soo Ashamed

Ok well I started this way back in March and to date what have I managed to do - nothing - well not exactly nothing instead of losing weight I have actually gained!!!!!!

How stupid am I - I know what I should be doing but did I do it nooooo and here I am the heaviest I have ever been.

So the last week despite work driving me nuts I have planned meals shopped cooked and tracked and tracked and tracked so I am Back.

I have been lucky enough to online chat to a few lovely women from the Weight Watchers message board who are a huge inspiration ( you know who you are), and another email friend and we are working at keeping each other honest. The goal for July is to track everything.

There are no pics just the rants of someone old enough to know better.

Quote for July -

"Learn from other peoples mistakes cause life is too short to make them all yourself"


Thursday, March 30, 2006

Tonights the night.........

that I have a Blog. With help from my wonderful daughter Katherine I now have a Blog.

For those about to read on please be warned the typo fairy lives in my keyboard and she loves to play around with the oder of letters in words.... If I ever catch her I will have a stern talking to her.

I am nearly 43 ( when did I grow up???) and have two adult children. My daughter Katherine is nearly 23 and recently married to Ian, and my son Gavin who will be 21 this year. I live with my partner in crime (who also answers to nice boyfriend) Grant, whom I am fortunate enough to have in my life. (The picture is Grant and I at Skywalk Sydney in February 2006.) My ex husband Brian is one of my closest friends.

Ok now down the the real reason for this Blog I weigh 91.5 kilos as at last Tuesday, which is way way too much and I need, - no want to make this figure (and in turn my figure) much much smaller. To date this year I have lost 2.7kilos which is not a great effort, and if I am completely honest is a true reflection of the effort I have put into my weight loss journey so far.


I have set goals - The first one being to be at 84.8 by my birthday - in May - and I will put the work in to get there - tracking exercising drinking water and blogging - see this is part of my plan to keep me honest - so "Tonights the Night"