Thursday, March 30, 2006

Tonights the night.........

that I have a Blog. With help from my wonderful daughter Katherine I now have a Blog.

For those about to read on please be warned the typo fairy lives in my keyboard and she loves to play around with the oder of letters in words.... If I ever catch her I will have a stern talking to her.

I am nearly 43 ( when did I grow up???) and have two adult children. My daughter Katherine is nearly 23 and recently married to Ian, and my son Gavin who will be 21 this year. I live with my partner in crime (who also answers to nice boyfriend) Grant, whom I am fortunate enough to have in my life. (The picture is Grant and I at Skywalk Sydney in February 2006.) My ex husband Brian is one of my closest friends.

Ok now down the the real reason for this Blog I weigh 91.5 kilos as at last Tuesday, which is way way too much and I need, - no want to make this figure (and in turn my figure) much much smaller. To date this year I have lost 2.7kilos which is not a great effort, and if I am completely honest is a true reflection of the effort I have put into my weight loss journey so far.


I have set goals - The first one being to be at 84.8 by my birthday - in May - and I will put the work in to get there - tracking exercising drinking water and blogging - see this is part of my plan to keep me honest - so "Tonights the Night"